Obama Inaguration Speech Visualized
Check this link out to see a visual representation of Obama’s speech.
Check this link out to see a visual representation of Obama’s speech.
We are having a cold snap. They froze the strawberry field near our house this morning. I snapped this picture this morning: I checked my truck temperature gauge, and it said 31 degrees. Tonight is supposed to be even colder.
Here is the bench where Lorraine and I got engaged at Bok Tower. Now, we have an extra person on it!
We have made a tradition of taking the yearly picture next to the statue. So, here is the update for 2008: 2008 2007 2006
I like cool gadgets, and this one caught my eye. If I were an accountant or a number cruncher, this external keypad would be crucial for me. I have seen these gadgets before, but this one has more shortcut buttons on the side that would be handy. On the otherhand, Read more…
Kent is getting ready for his 3rd annual Rodeo. Stay tuned hopefully for some pictures. http://www.thelakelandcenter.com/x_evt_dtl/16568.aspx