Kent Update: Riding the Tricycle
I wonder if this will be that last picture of riding the tricycle. He got a bicycle for his birthday, and he is doing excellent with it. The tricycle he did not pedal. He would just walk it around and Read more…
I wonder if this will be that last picture of riding the tricycle. He got a bicycle for his birthday, and he is doing excellent with it. The tricycle he did not pedal. He would just walk it around and Read more…
I thought Google’s Flu Trends was an interesting approach. The Google Operating System Blog pointed out that Google has expanded to tracking Mexico with the Swine Flu. With Flu being in the news so much, I wonder if that impacts Read more…
Here is Kent’s duck that he got for Easter. It dances and sings besides looking crazy.
Okay, a little late, but here are the Easter pictures. First up, Kent has his new Easter suit on, but I am not sure he is quite awake yet! Notice, he always has to have something in his hands. Then, Read more…
Kent lined them up like this! The red white and blue! Playing in Jamies!
Can you believe it? We are still trying to convince ourselves. So far, three tests have said the same thing! We still have yet to go to the doctor though. Lorraine is guessing the doctor will say Dec 27th for Read more…
We went shopping the other day and picked up some decorations for the kitchen. What do you think?
Recently, I picked up several good links about giving presentations. So, in order to not forget them, here they are: The Pythian Group: How to Have a Good Presentation (Download slides, they have some good info) Talented Apps: “Made to Read more…
Engadget wrote this interesting article: Gamers make better surgeons, study says Doing a quick search reveals that Engadget wasn’t the only one who published such articles: MSNBC: Surgeons may err less by playing video games USA Today: Studies: Video games Read more…
Ever since my Uncle told me about the company Telsa, they have interested me. Engadget just published this article about the price of their new car, the Model S. Engadget: Tesla CEO says Model S isn’t really expensive, when you Read more…