Fun Fact: Cell Phone Warnings

According to Infoworld, Japanese cell phones may warn people of earthquakes by 2008. Apparently, the Japanese government is going to feed the warnings to cellphone companies, which would then send the warning out to its subscribers’ phones. This is a wonderful idea, but how about other natural disasters? In Florida, Read more…

The Ultimate Kiss

Did you know that there are world records for kissing cobras? I thought the TV personalities that held the cobras by the tail were crazy. I never dreamed that anyone would put his lips to the snake’s head. Check these links out:19 Snakes with Video51 Kisses

Fun Fact: Deadly Vending Machines

Always research chain emails before you send them out. I’ve seen several emails that claimed things that were untrue as revealed by a quick search on Google. Besides, you may find out other interesting facts while researching … like this one: Vending Machines have killed more people than Sharks! Read more…