Fun Fact: Longest Bridge
I thought this link was interesting: Engadget: China has built the longest bridge in the world… so you don’t have to dig that hole I guess it is fitting for the great wall of China!
I thought this link was interesting: Engadget: China has built the longest bridge in the world… so you don’t have to dig that hole I guess it is fitting for the great wall of China!
I remember going through the ride at Epcot in Disney Land and seeing the kids talking on video chats across the world. Now, it is no big deal. I have Skype on my laptop, and we chat periodically with the Read more…
A little while ago, we tried to spruce up our dining room. I found this help article describing how you can give your wall a parchment look. It didn’t quite work for us — I think we tried to improvise Read more…
Well, I finally decided to do it. I decided to try my hand at my own website. So, now it is moving day for PSST0101, Linux Sagas, and Digital Eagle. The new sites are,, and of course, Read more…
Kent has been doing great at learning his letters. One of the cool tools that we have found is to use letters that you can color. Kent loves his new scissors that he got for Christmas so he cuts the letters out Read more…
In going through my email, I found this link to Awana’s website. I enjoy both the Awana clubs and VeggieTales. We have watched most of VeggieTales movies, and I found Phil Vischer’s book Me, Myself, and Bob very interesting, which Read more…
I ran across this link the other day: Open Hymnal Project If you need a song, try looking here! What I think would be cool is to use this with software like Lyricue or something like that, but that Read more…
On Veteran’s Day, this song came on the radio on the way to work. I did a quick Google Search and I found it here. Or, you can just listen to it here: [youtube=] I did a little poking around Read more…
This week our lesson is about the Fiery Serpents by the Red Sea. You can find the story in Numbers 21. The context of the story starts with the rejection of Edom, in which Edom rejected the Isrealites’ request to Read more…
Lorraine saw this story on the news today, and we had a good laugh about it: Laptops Can Cause Toasted Skin Syndrome, Cancer So, the next new product is mood changer pants that change color based on heat. If your Read more…